Navigating the Storm: Challenges Faced by Overwhelmed and New Managers
Jul 16, 2024
Stepping into a managerial role is often a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s a significant milestone in your professional journey, a reward for your dedication, and leadership potential. On the other hand, it introduces a host of new challenges and responsibilities that can quickly become overwhelming.
The transition from individual contributor (task-doer) to manager (team-builder) requires a fundamental shift in mindset, skills, and approach. Understanding these challenges is the first step toward overcoming them and thriving in a leadership role.
1. Balancing Multiple Responsibilities
One of the most daunting challenges new managers face is balancing multiple responsibilities. As a task-doer, success hinges on personal productivity and expertise. However, as a team-builder, you need to juggle various tasks, including team management, planning, budgeting, and administrative duties. This balancing act can be overwhelming, especially when priorities conflict and deadlines loom.
To tackle this, managers must develop strong organisational and time-choice skills. Prioritising tasks, delegating effectively, and learning to say no when necessary are vital strategies. Embracing the concept of time choices over time management means taking responsibility for how you and your team spend time. Instead of trying to manage every minute, use your priorities and goals to make informed decisions on how to spend time, aiming to create a greater impact.
2. Building Trust and Strong Relationships
Building trust and strong relationships is another significant challenge for new managers. Trust is the foundation of any successful team, and as a new manager, you need to earn the trust of your team members. This can be particularly challenging if you're managing former peers or you're new to the organization.
To build trust, it’s essential to demonstrate strength, kindness, and a genuine interest in your team members. Be transparent, communicate openly, and show you are committed to their success. Building strong relationships based on trust takes time, but it pays off in increased team cohesion, productivity, and engagement.
3. Navigating Conflict and Difficult Conversations
Conflict is inevitable in any team, and as a manager, it’s your responsibility to navigate these situations effectively. This can be particularly challenging for new managers who may feel uncomfortable addressing conflict or unsure of the best approach.
One effective strategy is to cultivate an environment where candidness and clarity are valued. This involves setting clear expectations, fostering open communication, and addressing issues promptly. Encouraging decisive discussions focused on purpose and goals can help resolve conflicts more efficiently and prevent them from escalating.
4. Leading Through Change
Change is a constant in the business world, and new managers often find themselves leading teams through periods of transition. Whether it’s a company-wide restructuring, the introduction of new technologies, or shifts in market dynamics, managing change can be overwhelming.
To lead effectively through change, managers need to embrace an experimental mindset. This involves being open to new ideas, encouraging innovation, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Providing clear direction and support to your team during change can also help reduce anxiety and resistance.
5. Managing Upward and Outward
In addition to managing their teams, new managers must also navigate relationships with senior leaders and stakeholders. This involves advocating for your team’s needs, aligning with organisational goals, and managing expectations.
Effective upward and outward management requires strong communication skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to influence and negotiate. Building relationships with key stakeholders and demonstrating your value as a leader can help you secure the support and resources your team needs to succeed.
The Solution for Overwhelmed Managers
Recognising these challenges is the first step toward overcoming them. One of the biggest mistakes I see senior leaders make is assuming that a great task-doer will automatically transition into a great team-builder. The reality is that the skills and behaviours that created success as a task-doer are quite different from what they will need in their new management role. They need support to successfully make the transition and my unique 3P system for leading is a great framework:
Purpose: Ensure they understand what leadership is and why it’s important. Clarify and communicate the overarching goals and vision to provide a direct line of sight from the organisation's vision to the manager and their team.
People: Create a relationship map outlining key stakeholders and the type of relationships the manager needs to build. Support them in building strong, trust-based relationships and fostering a supportive and collaborative team environment.
Process: Help them set up their day, week, or month to ensure they can be successful. Establishing the right operating rhythm from the beginning provides a solid foundation. Ensure they have the right tools and strategies to streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and manage team dynamics effectively.
Stepping into a managerial role can be overwhelming, but with the right support and resources, new managers can navigate these challenges and thrive. Use my 3P leadership system to support your new managers, or if you need extra support, ask us about our Leadership Lift program.
By focusing on purpose, people, and process, you can help your managers reduce overwhelm and lead their teams to success, giving you more time back and fostering happier, healthier teams.
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