Leadership Lift


Transforming remote and hybrid managers into leaders.

Create a team of Managers people don't want to leave.


 The Challenge


One of the key issues faced by managers is the transition from being task-focused to leading a team. Many managers lack the skills, knowledge, and clarity needed for effective leadership, leading to feelings of overwhelm and diminished confidence.


This, in turn, affects overall productivity, working relationships, and team morale.




Our Solution: Leadership Lift

Our signature program, Leadership Lift, is designed to transform managers into leaders by equipping them with the essential skills required to lead a team. We focus on:


- Building strong relationship

- Effectively delegating tasks

- Enhancing team engagement and morale


Our Solution: Leadership Lift

Our signature program, Leadership Lift, is designed to transform managers into leaders by equipping them with the essential skills required to lead a team. We focus on:

- Building strong relationships

- Effectively delegating tasks

- Enhancing team engagement and morale

Through Leadership Lift, managers will learn a straightforward system to achieve results.

This includes our proven Sandpit Strategy, which provides practical, easy-to-implement actions that make a real difference.

Your managers will be supported in transitioning from doing the work themselves to effectively managing and guiding their teams.

Proven Results

The results speak for themselves! Graduates of our course report:


- An additional 2-8 hours gained back in their work week

- A better understanding of their role and responsibilities

- Increased confidence in managing people

- Stronger working relationships

- More engaged and efficient teams


Your Next Step


You know your managers have potential, and you are ready for them to maximize their impact and transform their leadership skills. Let’s work together to cultivate the next generation of strong, efficient, and compassionate leaders. By unlocking their potential and focusing on building high-quality, effective relationships, we can achieve outstanding results. 


Proven Results

The results speak for themselves! Graduates of our course report:


- An additional 2-8 hours gained back in their work week

- A better understanding of their role and responsibilities

- Increased confidence in managing people

- Stronger working relationships

- More engaged and efficient teams


Your Next Step


You know your managers have potential, and you are ready for them to maximize their impact and transform their leadership skills. Let’s work together to cultivate the next generation of strong, efficient, and compassionate leaders. By unlocking their potential and focusing on building high-quality, effective relationships, we can achieve outstanding results. 


 "A valuable and insightful program which I feel fortunate to have participated in"

Georgie Garland - Rural Financial Counselling Service NSW

Leadership Lift is perfect for:

  • Overwhelmed managers who feel like they are always behind and can never get ahead of the game
  • New Managers who are not sure how to move from being a very successful individual performer to a successful team manager
  • Established Managers who know they are capable of more if they can just get the team moving in the right direction
  • Experienced Managers who have lost their way and are feeling burnt out, and want to get their mojo back and enjoy what they do again

If this describes your team, Leadership Lift could be the program that changes everything!

It isn't right for: 

  • Managers who don’t have at least one direct report now or in the near future
  • Managers who don't have an hour a week to focus on their own leadership and how they manage their team
  • Managers who are not prepared to try new things out
  • Managers who are not considering growing your skills in managing teams or leading people

Leadership Lift is a program for action takers and leaders who want to increase their impact.


Here's What Past Participants Have To Say:


Austimber, Office Manager

"Reflection and planning time has been a game-changer for me personally and has made me feel so much more organised and also able to deal with some random curve balls that have popped up along the way. A very close second is scheduling check-in time with others within the business as this has helped immensely with relationship building and trust"


BSP Advisory, Senior Accountant

"The key benefit has been the relationship I am building with my direct report. I used to just come to work, do my job and go home, not engaging so much in conversation as I had limited hours because of the kids but now I make the time to engage"

Here's what your leaders get inside the Leadership Lift program:

  • Introduction to our signature approach to successful leadership: The Sandpit Strategy 
  • Full 8-Module Sandpit System online training content
  • 8 x 60 mins Group coaching calls to accelerate transformation
  • Direct access to your leadership coach
  • Private Community & Support Group Access for duration of program 
  • Weekly accountability and action prompts
  • Activation Templates & Worksheets 
  • Educational Cheat sheets & Guides
  • Amplified learning content curated recommendations (Ted Talks, podcasts, articles)
  • Access to exclusive online networking and support group
  • Priority Access to New Products & Events
  • Bonus Reflection call to embed insights and learning (60 mins)

When the program is complete, you get leaders with a renewed sense of purpose, a strong desire to make an impact, and the tools they need to be the leaders that no one wants to leave.


Investment: $3997 per participant.


* 10% discount for all Not For Profit organisations.

** For groups of more than 4 managers discounts are available.


Got Questions?

Ready to build a team of leaders no one wants to leave?